Little by little

Little by little I've realised that my mom has been right all along... when I was growing up she kept telling're an old woman in a young girls body...meaning I act and think wiser than my years.  I know that Im smart I know Im beautiful  but can others or do others really see this as well or am I simply like an  ugly girl who refuses to accept that she is ugly(living in denial)... am I too confident to realise my flaws...
  I keep hearing youve achieved much more than many people years and years older than u but I'm not convinced .. I think im operating way below my true potential... ive been in a slump and because of this slump ive become complacent ...
Little by little I'm trying to come out to do something to try new things n this little by little has been the hardest couple a weeks in a long time. Who knew that getting oneself out of a rut n trying to be a  better person could be so hard. ..  But its at these times that my Wiseness kicks in n I am reminded that little by little I can do whatever I want.


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