I'm so over this!
Never thought about this before march 2020 now it seems to be all I ever hear about.
Not gonna tell a lie, when this virus was first introduced I didn't expect that a year later it would still be going on and on and on. I thought a couple weeks tops and life would be back to what it used to be... Beaches, restaurants, parties, gatherings and greatest of all no masks. But here we are January 2021 sanitising like there is no tomorrow and washing our hands raw all in the hopes of keeping this virus that cropped up out of nowhere at bay.
The most surprising thing about this pandemic to me is not the death sad though it may be but the toll it is taking on the lives of the persons who are " trapped" in their hopes. Never before in my life have I seen persons so forelorn and sad, persons trying their best not to sink into the quagmire of life. Persons desperate for a tiny bit of human interaction. Who knew social interaction was so important . I've seen strong persons suffering from withdrawal and persons who at the beginning of the pandemic said " I like being by myself" now begging for this all to be over so they can get back to some sense of normalcy.
In all this madness however I've come to understand and appreciate social media, I've come to appreciate the ability to be in touch with persons who I can't physically see. a
Although in all this we have lost a ton I'm sure we have all gained. I'm sure that we have learnt things about ourselves we probably had forgotten or we just didnt care to focus on. This Pandemic has helped to bring an awareness of self. A self that in most instances had been forgotten.
This pandemic though needs to go... And yes I know it won't just go because I want it to but that is how I feel, I'm over it. I'm over all this self awareness and all this alone time... Mi tireddddddd.
" My unedited unadulterated thoughts"
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