So I have been been having a problem, a huge problem. A problem I believe I am not the only one facing at this present moment. I am suffering from a serious case of IDONTWANTMYTIMEWASTEDITIS. So much loss has been encompassing my life and  I am not only talking about  financial loss I have lost precious time to complete tasks I wished I could and I have lost family members I never know would have gone on to meet their maker this year and we are still in the first month of 2021.  So much change has come about since 2020 That I am now  in a spot where every waking moment I have is so precious to me I don't wish to have it wasted. 

This week a young lady I know, a young lady so full of promise and life, a young lady who has just started out on her journey just passed away and it really broke me. Not only did it break me, it brought me to the realization that life is fickle, life is so short and unpredictable. I was unable to put into words exactly how I felt and then a friend of mine in conversation brought home a most important point; I no longer want my time to be wasted.

I no longer want to spend my time on things that bring me no joy or do not better my life, I no longer want to spend my days nurturing relationships that do not add to my self worth and purpose of being or that aren't aligned with my chakkra I only want additives. Living a life and pouring into things that mean you no good is just a waste of time now, at a time when life can be snuffed out in the blink of an eye why waste our energies.

I don't want to be living and loving and to have my life mean nothing at the end of it all. I know its hard to be living in this the twenty-first century. I know there are many things we would like to do and we keep putting off and saying next time,in a minute when things settle down but can we be guaranteed another second in this life.I don't want my time to be wasted I don't want to say if  I had known or I wish I had done more or I wish I never have my Eulogy read and the reader cant say she lived a great life.

I truly,  honestly, wholeheartedly don't want my time to be wasted.

*My honest unedited thoughts..... please feel free to like comment and share


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