Goodbye... Dear friend

Sitting outside accidents and emergency  and the force of it all hits home.  Last night I saw you  and though sick u were your sweet self and today right now I wait on the doctor  with your death certificate  to take him back to the house.
This experience  is one I wish never to have again but as inevitable   and sure as death is I'm sure I'll be here again.  I can't believe that someone  who I've grown to appreciate  is gone  so suddenly without a goodbye without a touch and it pains my heart.  It hurts to look at your nephews and see the hurt in their faces and their tears and to hear them  wale because you are gone and you'll never come back...  This experience  has proven a teacher though.

  I've learnt that I should love the people  in my life with all my  HEART and treat them like they are one in a million   because the last goodbye could  be 'the last goodye'

I've learnt that the good we do today is the best thing we can do loving and doing good....

I've learnt that  we should appreciate  each moment  we have with the people we hold dear because today the good you do might make a world of difference  in their lives.

Don't take for granted anything  at all nothing not one single thing.

Sadness is inevitable  and happiness  is eminent.  Don't dwell on the sad stuff.

The people  in our lives will go  and the moment  will be sad but we should  cherish the time we have never  ever hop over anyone's feeling and never ever take anyone for granted.


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